Home Masonry Repair And Maintenance Tips To Protect Your Home's Value

Posted on: 13 January 2020
The brick, mortar, stucco, or cement finish on your home's exterior lends a great deal to the appearance and physical condition to your home and can have a lasting effect on its value. When your home's exterior materials are not kept up they can deteriorate to the point that your home's exterior needs a large investment to get it back to good condition. Whether you are completing your home masonry repairs yourself or hiring a professional, here are some tips to help you more successfully repair and keep your home's masonry and mortar joints in great condition.
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Key Problems With Your Home's Furnace

Posted on: 26 November 2019
With colder temperatures settling in all over the country, it's the time of year when most homeowners are turning on their furnaces for the first time in a long time. When you start your home's heating system for the season, you need to be able to recognize the signs of problems and damage to the furnace. Here's a look at what you need to know about your furnace and the need for furnace repair.
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Tips For Preparing Your Home For A Carpet Cleaning

Posted on: 11 October 2019
You may do a lot to protect your carpet, such as removing shoes before walking on the carpet or banishing beverages from carpeted areas. However, carpets need regular cleaning. According to Home Advisor, annual cleaning is usually indicated. The benefits of professional carpet cleaning are that you improve the appearance and longevity of your carpet. So, if you've decided it's time for a carpet cleaning, you'll want to prepare your house ahead of time.
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4 Ways To Keep Your Pumpkin Fresh From The Patch

Posted on: 26 August 2019
You've found your perfect pumpkin, but Halloween is still awhile away. Knowing the best practices surrounding pumpkin care and carving will make sure your jack-o-lantern is still thriving when Halloween comes around. Start Off On The Right Foot When you select a pumpkin, you want to make sure the flesh is firm and there are no imperfections. Any soft spots, dents, or scrapes invite your pumpkin to begin rotting. You also want to look for a fresh, bright green stem.
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