Tips For Homeowners With Tile Flooring In Their Bathroom
Posted on:
3 April 2019
Tiling is a common feature for bathrooms due to its resistance to water damage and other types of wear. However, there are important aesthetic and maintenance considerations that will come with using tiles for your flooring.
Opt For Dark Or Neutral Floor Tiles
Your selection of color will be one of the most noticeable decisions that you make when it comes to your bathroom tiles. While it can be tempting to opt for white or other bright colors for the floors, this can be far more difficult to keep clean.
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3 Flowering Shrubs For Your Yard
Posted on:
25 February 2019
Landscaping around your home is beneficial for a few reasons. While it adds color, shade, and appeal, landscaping can also add enormous value to your home. Of course, knowing what trees, flowers, and shrubs to plant can be a challenge.
If you have an area in your yard that is surrounded by tall, shade-producing trees, you may want to add some color and extra texture with a few flowering shrubs. Since there is a lot of shade, this area will need plants that thrive without a lot of sun.
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Granite Vs. Quartzite: Important Differences, And Why You Might Choose One Over The Other
Posted on:
11 January 2019
Granite and quartzite; can you tell the difference? There is a pretty good chance that you cannot. It takes a trained eye to know which is which. That is an exciting fact for homeowners that want granite countertops but not the granite issues. Here are some of the major differences between granite countertops and quartzite countertops.
Slightly Different Molecular Structure During Formation of the Stone
The granules of crystals found in granite tend to be smaller.
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4 Tips To Know When Your Water Heater Has Become A Hazard And Needs Replacement
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3 December 2018
The plumbing in your home can cause many hazards when it is not properly maintained, and part of your plumbing system is the water heater. Water heaters can cause unique hazards and various problems when they become old and outdated, which is why you want to have yours replaced when it needs to be. Here are some tips to help know when the water heater in your home has become a hazard and needs to be replaced:
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